2011年6月26日 星期日

台灣藍鵲繁衍全紀錄- Breeding of Formosan Blue Magpie

I've already withdrawn this blog and rewrote to an iPad app.
我已經撤掉這個網誌 ,改寫成iPAD app 電子寫真書。  

This is the first iPad ebook (or Photo book) for Formosan Blue Magpie which voted as "the National Bird of Taiwan". It includes more than 100 beautiful photos and video clips documented the breeding of a formosan blue magpie family.
我的第一個iPAD 電子書 已由Apple審核通過,並在Apple App Store上架開始銷售。這個iPAD app收集了我於今年4~6月辛苦拍攝的「台灣藍鵲繁衍全紀錄」精彩照片。

My first iPAD ebook App use the beautiful bird Formosan Blue Magpie as the subject and described in both Chinese and English. The reason I did this way was tried to let people around the world can understand more on the unique species of blue magpie which can be seen in Taiwan.

This App can been said the first photo book of blue magpie published on iPAD platform. It has included more than 150 beautiful photos and some video clips. Reader also can simply tap the photo to enlarge. The US$ 2.99 app has also included 30+ photos of other birds and flowers.

這個App 應該算是第一個「台灣藍鵲」寫真電子書。特別以App方式呈現,因為如此方能讓讀者於閱讀時,可以點照片放大欣賞,也含一些視訊短片,總共收集超過150張美麗的台灣藍鵲照片與視訊短片,外加30張以上的其他台灣鳥類攝影,只賣 USD 2.99。


另,因本App內含許多高畫質照片及視訊,檔案頗大,請用WiFi 連線購買,勿用3G網路購買。


App Name :“Photo Book of the breeding of Formosan Blue Magpie” , 中文名稱為 「台灣藍鵲繁衍全紀錄」,但在App Store請您用英文 "Blue Magpie"搜尋本軟體

Please click the link below or search it by using the keyword "blue magpie".

請點下列連結或是從您iPAD app store搜尋,關鍵字  "Blue Magpie"。


1. Documented the breeding of a Formosan (Taiwan) Blue Magpie. 
2. Dual Language support - All texts and descriptions are presented in Chinese and English. 
3. Included 100+ photos and video clips.
4. Plus extra bonus of 30+ beautiful birds living in Taiwan.
5. Photos shown in the articles can be enlarged by tapping it


封面 ‧ Cover
Chapter 1 :緣起 ‧ Prologue
Chapter 2 :台灣藍鵲簡介 ‧ Introduction of Formosan Blue Magpie
Chapter 3 :藍鵲現蹤 ‧ First Show-up of Blue Magpie
Chapter 4 :築巢與孵蛋 ‧ Nesting and Incubating
Chapter 5 :覓食 ‧ Prowling
Chapter 6 :雛鳥孵化,開始餵食 ‧ Feeding Chicks
Chapter 7 :離巢 ‧Leaving nest
Chapter 8 :離開樹林 ‧Leaving the woods
Chapter 9 :後記 ‧ Epilogue    



2023年北方之旅 Part II 挪威極圈峽灣- #20 E6公路與Alta
